Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Raising Chicks

Here are pictures of our first batch of Cornish Crosses.
We put the heat-lamps inside to keep the chicks from freezing
Below you can see that the feeder is half inside the brooder, and half outside so that in extreme cold, the chicks can eat near the warmth of the lamps.

We put wood-shavings down to catch the droppings. This keeps it cleaner for the chicks, and later we are able to throw it on our compost pile.
Three of our six turkeys. Three are mine, and three Caleb will sell to make a profit.


Pepper Darcy said...

Ada, did you want me to say anything further about this? I'm not sure how 'deep' ya want me ta go into this ; ) Love ya!

I know your face,


Anonymous said...

Hehehe! I took the last pic! ;)

Queen Warbeak

caleb said...

Them my turks!!

NO!! Not possible Gollom! Gollom!

Go away THIER mine!!!!

OK!! Gollom!

The White Phatom Rides Again!!

Anonymous said...

hey, dad, i did the page thingy...hope it's to your satisfaction! ;)
